Coming soon...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Two Holmes? Most people can only afford one...

So next year Sasha Baron Cohen and Robert Downey Jnr. will both don the deerstalker hat in two different films tackling the world's greatest detective. On one hand, we have the Judd Apatow (yes, HIM again) produced comedy take on the legendary character with Cohen as Holmes and Will Ferrell as Watson. And competing with this is Guy Ritchie's more serious Holmes with Downey Jnr. as Holmes and Jude Law as his assistant. Which movie will be better? At this stage, it's more like which movie will suck less. Ritchie's proven he cant make anything that's not a cock-en-ey gangster movie, and even at that, he's lost the touch he once had. And Apatow's films are hit and miss. Should make for... mundane watching. Hollywood calling originality... come in, originality.

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